灵感来源:北京海淀区 学院路六道口 后会友期餐厅开业前的试吃会
Appetizing, Mouth-Watering, Scrumptious, Delectable, Toothsome, Divine, Tasty, Succulent, Delightful
Heavenly, Divine and Delightful 可以形容别的词汇,也可以用来形容美食喔!
British people will often say, "DE-lish!" 也就是'delicious'的意思~
British people also say 'scrummy' which is a mixture of 'scumptious + yummy'.
Very informal, much like 'de-lish.'
Awe -some. Full of awe. (Awe means wonder.)
Worrisome - Full of worry.
Toothsome - Full of teeth. However what you're really saying is 'I want to make it full of my teeth, when I eat it.'