《Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed》

《Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed》

2015-09-01    03'38''

主播: 美国书宝贝俱乐部

354 15

美国书宝贝俱乐部亲子阅读配套音频,更多内容请关注美国书宝贝俱乐部微信公众号- AMBOOKBABY 五只小猴在床上跳 作者:Eileen Christelow 睡觉的时间到啦。 五只小猴洗了澡。 五只小猴穿上睡衣。 五只小猴刷了牙。 五只小猴跟妈妈说晚安。 然后……五只小猴在床上跳! 一只小猴摔下床,撞到了头。 妈妈给医生打电话。 医生说:“不许再在床上跳!” 于是四只小猴…… ……在床上跳。 一只小猴摔下床,撞到了头。 妈妈给医生打电话。 医生说:“不许再在床上跳!” 于是三只小猴在床上跳。 一只小猴摔下床,撞到了头。 妈妈给医生打电话。 医生说:“不许再在床上跳!” 于是两只小猴在床上跳。 一只小猴摔下床,撞到了头。 妈妈给医生打电话。 医生说:“不许再在床上跳!” 于是一只小猴在床上跳。 她摔下床,撞到了头。 妈妈给医生打电话。 医生说:“不能再在床上跳!” 五只小猴睡着了。 “感谢老天!”妈妈说。 “我终于可以睡觉了!” Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Eileen Christelow It was bedtime. So five little monkeys took a bath. Five little monkeys put on their pajamas. Five little monkeys brushed their teeth. Five little monkeys said good night to their mama. Then… five little monkeys jumped on the bed! One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” So four little monkeys… … jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” So three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” So two little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” So one little monkey jumped on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, “NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!” So five little monkeys fell fast asleep. “Thanks goodness!” said the mama. “Now I can go to bed!” ==================== Margery Maidman (玛吉阿姨) 美国知名阅读教育专家 美国布朗大学英语学士学位 美国芝加哥大学教学硕士学位 玛吉阿姨毕业于美国布朗大学英语学士学位和芝加哥大学教学硕士学位。她拥有30多年的文学及阅读教学经验。她曾经在美国各类小学,初中和高中任教,对写作和文学方面创造了自己独到的教学方式。玛吉阿姨除了在课室教学之外还担当文学指导来帮助其他教师提高阅读教学水平。 由于对早期识字教育浓厚的兴趣,玛吉阿姨获取了美国知名阅读专家认证。平时玛吉阿姨活跃于各大美国博物馆,图书馆和学校,给不同年龄层的听众讲解具有本地特色,民俗风情与文学色彩的故事。她目前担任学生文学指导教师,教导阅读及综合技巧。她培养的学生中很多被美国常春藤学校提前录取