My Love

My Love

2015-11-21    03'50''

主播: 乐漠

575 15

Reaching for a love that seems so far 得到一份爱却是那样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 我向上帝祈求 And hope my dreams will take me there 希望我的梦能带我到那儿 Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭 To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方 Where the fields are green to see you once again 那儿有翠绿的草原上飘扬的你 To hold you in my arms 我想抱紧你 To promise you my love 我向你保证,亲爱的 To tell you from the heart 一切都是我的真心话 You're all I'm thinking of 你是我所想的一切