The World is Flat 7

The World is Flat 7

2016-09-13    10'02''

主播: 英语朗读会

214 11

来美国已经三个多月了,一直想好好的录一期节目,一直攒不出时间,平时要工作,现在新学期也开始了,周末我则喜欢去城市里探索,生活忙碌且充实,每天早晨读读书,吸收新的想法,就想种子吸收水分与阳光,很棒The World is Flat was first published in 2005, 11 years ago. However it still stands in a good position to show you how the world has transformed and the possibilities of the future, not only one for Americans, but also for us wherever you are at. Enjoy the reading.