【致郁剂】“在雨中吻我时 她一定爱过我”

【致郁剂】“在雨中吻我时 她一定爱过我”

2017-06-29    01'58''

主播: 吃定彩虹'

2010 10

I'm jus lookin on my life n im failed, 挫败时审视自己的一生. I'm jus lookin on myself n i drain, 将死时打量自己的面孔. I'm jus cutting til i can't feel the pain, 割裂皮肤直至麻木无感. I jus cut her then we smoke on some flame, 刺死她 我们在火光中灰飞烟灭. I look back n fucking everything has changed, 回首一切都他妈的物是人非. She said she loved me and i couldn't say the same, 无法回应她说的那句'我爱你'. I ran away n did some drugs yeah I'm ashamed, 我逃避嗑药并对此羞愧不已. I knew she loved me when she kissed me in the rain, 在雨中吻我时 她一定爱过我. you say you love me but what for? 你为何对我情有独钟? I say give me reasons but you won't, 而你永远给不出个理由. you say you want me but you don't, 你所谓的渴望似乎一文不值. If u dont need me whats the point, 若我从不被需要那意义何在? Was a fool for all your lies, 我在谎言前是个傻瓜. Cut the pain out on my thighs, 刀刃割去大腿的疼痛. You don't look me in the eyes, 你从不正视我的双眼. Pop some pills and pray I die, 咀嚼药片我得以安息. Got some loud fading in the rain, 雨声掩饰沙哑的咆哮. I thought he loved me when he kissed me on my face, 亲吻我脸颊时 他一定爱过我。