

2015-09-03    01'24''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2951 103

A lot of us are looking to make some positive changes in our life, but we have no idea where to begin. My suggestion is to do something different. 很多人都想给自己的生活做些积极的改变,但我们却不知道从哪里开始。我的建议是去尝试些新鲜事。 When you&`&re willing to do something different, you are telling yourself, your subconscious mind, and the entire universe, "I&`&m asking for a change and I&`&m willing to do something about it now." 当你乐意去做一些新鲜事的时候,你就相当于在告诉你自己、你的潜意识和全世界:“我想要改变,我现在就要开始行动。” look to 表示思考,考虑 think about positive 正面的,积极的 have no idea 不知道 suggestion 建议 subconscious 下意识的,潜意识的 the entire universe 全宇宙,全世界 加瑶瑶老师微信teacheryaoyao,邀请你进入全英语学习讨论微信群。 9月新概念第一册14人小班目前还剩7个名额,报名从速!联系老师微信:teacheryaoyao