

2018-10-22    02'50''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4882 32

【句子】Why don't we take him somewhere to take his mind off it? 【发音】[waɪ] [dəʊnt] [wi:] [teɪk] [hɪm] [ˈsʌm.weə(r)] [tʊ] [teɪk] [hɪz] [maɪnd] [ɒf] [ɪt] 【发音技巧】take him以及take his可以击穿爆破;off it连读; 【翻译】我们为什么不带他出去散散心呢?分散一下注意力! 【适用场合】 take one's mind off sth. 让某人短暂忘记某些不开心的事 = to make sb. forget about sth. unpleasant for a short time eg: Painting helped take her mind off her troubles. 画画能帮助她暂时忘却那些不愉快的事情。 Cause there's no place where I'm more at one with. at one at harmony : in a state of agreement 和谐相处/共处;融洽;和睦; eg: We are at one with each other. = We get along with each other. 我们之间相处融洽。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He is at one with nature.