【绝望的主妇】 “我控制不了我寄几啊!”

【绝望的主妇】 “我控制不了我寄几啊!”

2018-11-25    03'51''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4846 28

【句子】I’m just beside myself. Call me as soon as you get in. 【Desperate Housewives S1E4】 【发音】[aɪm] [dʒʌst] [bɪ'saɪd] [maɪ'self] [kɔ:l] [mi:] [æz] [su:n] [æz] [ju:] [get] [ɪn] 【发音技巧】just beside失去爆破;get in连读; 【翻译】我要崩溃了,到家尽快打给我。 【适用场合】 beside prep. 在……旁边 beside oneself (with sth) 情绪失控 unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling eg: He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done. 当我告诉他我的所作所为之后,他勃然大怒。 get in 到家/到工作地点 to arrive at your home or the place where you work: eg: What time did you get in last night? 昨晚你是几点到家的? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I felt sick, disgusted, and beside myself with rage.