【摩登家庭】warm up原来有这么多意思?

【摩登家庭】warm up原来有这么多意思?

2021-07-27    08'07''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

117 0

【句子】Sometimes those things need to warm up, like the car. 【Modern Family S3E4】 【发音】/ˈsʌm.taɪmz/ /ðəʊz/ /θɪŋz/ /niːd/ /tʊ/ /wɔː(r)m/ /ʌp/ /laɪk/ /ðə/ /kɑ:(r)/ 【发音技巧】need to失去爆破;warm up连读;like the不完全爆破; 【翻译】有的时候那些灯泡也需要像车一样,预热一下。 【适用场合】 大家平时可能经常听英语老师说warm up,热热身;预预热,打算学习新内容。 那其实口语中warm up有很多不同的适用场合,意思也有一些区别。 1. to make or become warm 变得温暖 eg: The room will soon warm up. 这个房间很快就会暖和起来的。 eg: He blew on his hands to warm them up. 他朝着手哈气,想让手暖和起来。 2. When a machine or engine warms up or someone warms it up, it becomes ready for use a little while after being switched on or started. 如果在描述机器或者引擎,此时使用warm up很多时候指的是:预热,让这个机器在打火、启动以后稍作准备。 eg: He waited for his car to warm up. 他等他的车热好。 eg: We warmed up the car for a few minutes. 我们把那辆车预热了几分钟。 3. to prepare yourself for a physical activity by doing some gentle exercises and stretches: 提前准备,做一些轻柔的拉伸、锻炼,以迎接一个肢体活动;热身; eg: If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself. 如果你在锻炼之前不热身活动一下的话,你可能会有把自己弄受伤的风险。 eg: The coach warmed up the players before the game. 这位教练在比赛前让队员们热了热身。 4. warm up 还可以指:to become more friendly or open 变得更加友善、开放; eg: She warmed up after we had lunch together. 在我们一起吃过午餐之后,她放开了不少。 5. If an event warms up, it starts to become more interesting, lively or exciting 某个事物变得更加有趣、活跃,有激情 eg: The party was only just starting to warm up as I left. 我离开的那会儿,这个派对才刚刚开始热闹起来。 eg: The party warmed up when Tom came. 当Tom到了以后整个派对都变得热闹了起来。 其实warm up还有可能有别的意思,大家可以去查查词典做做积累哦。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 喝杯咖啡暖暖身子吧。(祈使句)