

2022-11-01    06'19''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】God, has that thing paid for itself! 【Modern Family S03E10】 【发音】/gɒd/ /gɑːd/ /hæz/ /ðæt/ /θɪŋ/ /peɪd/ /fə(r)/ /ɪtˈself/ 【发音技巧】that thing不完全爆破;paid for不完全爆破;itself不完全爆破; 【翻译】天,那东西,买的可真值啊! 【适用场合】 今天我们学习这个短语: pay for itself 这个短语用来描述某个东西,就是讲“很值、物超所值、节省的钱长期来看都够把它买下来了” It is used to describe something that one buys will save one at least as much money in the long term as one spent on it initially. 或者看这个简洁的解释: to save as much money as it cost 需要说明的是,有的时候根据描述对象的不同,后面的反身代词itself也可以变成themselves。 eg: A more efficient machine would pay for itself within a year. 一台效率更高的机器一年之内就回本了。 eg: With the amount of time we've saved in the warehouse, this new automated equipment is already paying for itself. 就光凭我们在仓库节省下来的时间,这个新的自动设备都已经回本了。 eg: These energy-efficient appliances might be more expensive, but they reduce your energy bill so drastically that they pay for themselves in no time. 这些高效节能的设备可能是更贵一点,但是它们能很大程度降低你的电费,一下子就回本了。 eg: The rail pass will pay for itself after only about two trips. 这个火车通票,出行用两次就回本了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Yeah, these fancy laptops are expensive, but they do pay for themselves—I have had mine for 10 years with no costly issues.