

2024-02-20    07'03''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

238 1

【句子】Yes, I left the top down, and I let Mom take the fall. 【Modern Family S3E16】 【发音】/jes/ /aɪ/ /left/ /ðə/ /tɒp/ /tɑːp/ /daʊn/ /ænd/ /aɪ/ /let/ /mɒm/ /mɑːm/ /teɪk/ /ðə/ /fɔːl/ /fɑːl/ 【发音技巧】left the不完全爆破;top down失去爆破;and I连读;let Mom不完全爆破;take the不完全爆破; 【翻译】是的,是我把顶蓬放了下来,让妈妈背了黑锅。 【适用场合】 今天视频中,我们来学习一下take the fall的用法; 其实之前节目中,我们也有提到这个短语的用法。 在绝望的主妇S1E16中,我们就有讲到过。 大家可以点击超链接跳转复习一下: take the fall 相当于take the blame to face punishment, blame or arrest for someone else's crime, perhaps intentionally “承担责任;背锅;为别人的错误、为别人犯下的罪而承担不好的后果(惩罚、责备等)” eg: I wasn't going to take the fall for him. 我没打算替他背锅。 eg: Walt and Tony pulled the job off together, but Tony took the fall. 华特和托尼一起做的这事儿,但是托尼一个人背了锅。 eg: And the best you could come up with was letting my kids take the fall? 然后你想到的最好的解决方案就是让我的孩子们背黑锅吗? eg: We've made it look like he withdrew the money, so when the police start investigating, he'll be the one to take the fall. 我们弄的像是他取走了钱,所以等警方开始调查的时候,到时候让他背锅。 eg: Janet doesn't have any penalty points on her license, so she agreed to take the fall for Jeff. 因为珍妮特的执照没被扣过分,所以她同意替杰夫背这个锅/所以她同意替杰夫扣这次分。 eg: I'm always taking the fall for your mistakes—I'm sick of covering for you! 我总是替你的错误买单!我真是烦透了替你打掩护! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 这事儿是你做的,我才不背锅!