

2024-03-19    07'05''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

280 1

【句子】I'm sick of hearing you whine about Miranda! 【Modern Family S3E16】 【发音】/aɪm/ /sɪk/ /əv/ /hɪərɪŋ/ /ju:/ /waɪn/ /əˈbaʊt/ /məˈrændə/ 【发音技巧】sick of连读;whine about Miranda连读+不完全爆破; 【翻译】我受够了听你对米兰达的那些怨念了。 【适用场合】 今天视频中,我们要来学习两个表达。 1. 首先我们来学习一下这个句子的用法,Where does that leave me? 你在口语中也可以把that换成this,那么就变成了Where does this leave me? 这个句子的意思,基本可以理解成:“那这样做以后,我又处于什么境地呢?我又该怎么办呢?”这样的意思; 口语中也还可以说,Where does that leave us? “那又将我们处于何种境地?” You are asking what the options are as a result of what was discussed or what information you have received. eg: Now that the other party have decided to back out of the deal, where does that leave us? 既然另一方决定退出交易,我们又该怎么办? eg: -- I understand why the company are downsizing my department, but where does that leave me? -- Don't worry, your position will remain unaffected. -- 我理解公司为什么要缩减我们部门,但是那样我又该怎么办? -- 别担心,你的职位不受影响。 2. 今天要来学习的第二个表达,叫做whine about sb./sth.,其实它可以相当于是to complain about sb./sth.的近义词组。 来看看英文解释:to complain about someone or something in an irritating, childish, or peevish way “用一种烦躁的、幼稚的方法抱怨某个人/某个事情”; eg: Stop whining about being bored, or I swear I will turn this car around and drive straight home! 别再抱怨无聊了,不然我发誓,我会把车掉头,直接开车回家! eg: Timmy whined about his coworkers for the entire evening. 提米一整个傍晚都在抱怨他的同事。 eg: Please don't whine about Sally. She is sorry she couldn't come to your party, but it's not the end of the world. 别抱怨萨莉了,她没能来你的派对,感到很抱歉,但是那又不是世界末日/但是那又不是多大的事儿。 eg: The dog is whining about its hurt paw. 这只狗爪子受伤了,它呜咽个不停。 eg: They come to me to whine about their troubles. 他们来找我,抱怨他们碰到的难题。 eg: What are you whining about now? 你现在在抱怨什么? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 We need to move out of the house by Friday but we haven't found somewhere else to live. Where does that leave us?