【摩登家庭】一起来学学,take the high/low road的用法!

【摩登家庭】一起来学学,take the high/low road的用法!

2024-05-09    07'04''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

269 4

【句子】I mean, sometimes it's better to take the high road. 【Modern Family S3E17】 【发音】/aɪ/ /mi:n/ /ˈsʌm.taɪmz/ /ɪts/ /ˈbet.ə(r)/ /tʊ/ /teɪk/ /ðə/ /haɪ/ /rəʊd/ 【发音技巧】better闪音;take the不完全爆破; 【翻译】我觉得,有的时候,得饶人处且饶人嘛! 【适用场合】 今天节目中,我们来学习一下这里take the high road的用法; 我们先来看看对应的英文解释: to choose the most noble, ethical, or diplomatic course or method, especially after or in the face of negativity or ill treatment “采用道德高尚、正直的行为方式,尤其是在遭受不好的待遇以后”或者“堂堂正正地、光明磊落地做人做事”; eg: He took the high road in his campaign. 他在竞选活动中,光明磊落,以德服人。 eg: Strive to always take the high road when dealing with others, even if they've treated you unfairly in the past. Life has a habit of rewarding those who learn to turn the other cheek. 跟人打交道时,要努力以德服人,即使对方曾对你有过不公。生活总会奖励那些忍辱负重、宽容大度的人。 eg: Of course, the antiwar demonstrators think they're taking the moral high road. 当然了,那些反战示威者觉得他们行得正坐得端。 eg: The diplomats say their president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade. 那些外交官们说,他们的总统有可能会在贸易方面的声明中采取最积极慎重的立场。 那么相反的,口语中take the low road指的是: 采取那种不道德的、不诚实的方法去做事; eg: Meanwhile, it was revealed that his campaign was gearing up to take the low road with its own attack ads. 与此同时,有人爆料称,他的竞选团队准备不择手段去处理掉那些攻击性政治宣传。 eg: It's unfair that those who work the hardest will be undermined by those who choose to take the low road to success. 那些最努力工作的人却会被那些为了成功不择手段的人给坑,太不公平了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I didn't raise my son to be the type of person who would take the low road in life!