

2024-07-09    05'13''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

268 1

【句子】Rest assured, we have not forgotten it.【Desperate Housewives S2E7】 【发音】/rest//əˈʃʊrd//wi:/ /hæv//nɒt/ /nɑːt/ /fəˈɡɒtn/ /fərˈɡɑːtn/ /ɪt/ 【发音技巧】Rest assured连读;not forgotten it不完全爆破+连读; 【翻译】放心,我们没忘的。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下这个短语:rest assured, 可以理解成“放心”;to be certain or confident about sth. 这个短语经常直接当做祈使句来使用,当然后面也经常加上that,再跟从句。 eg: Rest assured that you'll receive the best of care. 请放心,您会受到最好的照顾。 eg: Please rest assured that we will do everything possible to help. 请放心,我们会尽一切可能提供帮助的。 eg: Rest assured that the police will recover your diamonds. 请放心,警方会找回你丢失的钻石的。 eg: Rest assured that we will do everything we can to get your money. 请放心,我们会做一切努力把你的钱要回来。 eg: Please rest assured that we are doing everything in our power to make your grandmother comfortable here. 请您放心,我们正在尽一切努力,使您的祖母在这里感觉到舒适。 eg: Rest assured that we will finish on time. 请放心,我们会按时完成的。 eg: Every member of our team has over 20 years of experience, so you can rest assured that your investment portfolio is in good hands. 我们团队的每一位成员都有超过20年的工作经验,所以您大可以放心,您的投资组合会被妥善地管理。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 You can rest assured that I shall be there as promised.