

2024-08-07    06'44''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

321 1

【句子】You know it breaks my heart to keep you down here like this.【Desperate Housewives S2E7】 【发音】/ju:/ /nəʊ/ /ɪt/ /breɪks/ /maɪ/ /hɑː(r)t/ /tʊ/ /ki:p/ /ju:/ /daʊn/ /hɪə(r)/ /laɪk/ /ðɪs/ 【发音技巧】it breaks失去爆破;heart to失去爆破;keep you连读;like this不完全爆破; 【翻译】你知道,把你关在这儿,我很伤心的。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下break one's heart,“伤某个人的心”; to cause one a feeling of intense sadness, regret, or pity “使某个人感觉到强烈的悲伤、后悔或者遗憾”; eg: It really breaks my heart having to fire such talented employees, but there's no way the company will survive if I don't. 不得不开除这么有天赋的员工,我真的很痛心,但是如果我不开除的话,公司就活不下去了。 eg: That poor, skittish cat just breaks my heart—I can't believe someone abandoned her! 那只可怜的害羞的小猫看得我心都要碎了,不敢相信居然有人把它遗弃了! eg: No, I never drive by our old house. It breaks my heart to see the new family living there. 不,我从来不开车经过我们家的旧房子。看到有新住户住在我家老房子里,我难受死了。 eg: It just broke my heart when Tom ran away from home. 当汤姆离家出走的时候,我的心都要碎了。 eg: Sally broke John's heart when she refused to marry him. 当莎莉拒绝嫁给约翰的时候,她伤透了他的心。 eg: It's a job I would like, but it won't break my heart if I don't get it. 我蛮喜欢这份工作的,但是如果拿不到这份工作,我也不会特别难过。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 看到你这样,我心都碎了。