

2024-08-13    07'09''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Thefact is, we really don't care. Andit's certainly no reason to keep our boys apart. 【Desperate Housewives S2E7】 【发音】/ðə/ /fækt/ /ɪz//wi:/ /ˈrɪə.li/ /dəʊnt/ /keə(r)//ænd/ /ɪts/ /ˈsɜː(r).tən.li/ /nəʊ/ /ˈriː.zən/ /tʊ/ /ki:p/ /aʊə(r)/ /bɔɪz/ /əˈpɑː(r)t/ 【发音技巧】factis连读;don't care失去爆破;Andit's连读;keepour连读;boysapart连读; 【翻译】其实,我们不在乎这事儿,也真没必要因为这事儿把孩子们分开。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下keepsb./sth. apart的用法,字面意思可以理解成“使某个人/某个东西分开、分离开”;引申意味还可以有“阻止俩人不在一起谈恋爱”; to ensure that two or more people or things remain physically separated 或者to prevent two people from forming a romantic relationship with one another eg: Make sure you keep the twins apart on long car journeys, or they'll just spend the whole time fighting. 确保在漫长的长途路程中把俩双胞胎分开,否则他们一路上都会打个不停。 eg: These substances have to be kept apart in storage if you don't want an explosive chemical reaction. 如果你不想发生爆炸的话,这些物质在存储的时候一定得分开放。 eg: My family wants to keep me and Tommy apart, but we are in love and destined to be together! 我家里人想把我和汤米分开,但是我们彼此相爱,注定是要在一起的。 eg: We still care for each other, but various factors have kept us apart over the years. 我们还喜欢彼此,但是各种因素使得我们好些年一直不能在一起。 eg: Try to keep the dogs and cats apart. 尽量把狗和猫分开。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 She tried to keep apart from the family squabbles.