

2024-08-20    07'22''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Well, for starters, he knows the last thing I'd ever want to do is have more children.【Desperate Housewives S2E7】 【发音】/wel//fɔː(r)/ /'stɑː(r)tə(r)z//hi:/ /nəʊz/ /ðə/ /lɑːst/ /læst/ /θɪŋ/ /aɪd/ /ˈev.ə(r)/ /wɒnt/ /wɑːnt/ /tʊ/ /duː/ /ɪz/ /hæv/ /mɔː(r)/ /ˈtʃɪl.drən/ 【发音技巧】last thing不完全爆破;I'd ever连读;want to失去爆破; 【翻译】首先,他知道我最不愿意做的事情就是再生孩子了。 【适用场合】 今天我们来复习一下这个表达,for starters, 这个短语我们之前的节目当中也出现过。 在今天视频中,它相当于是:Initially或者 as a beginning; 或者再来看看这个英文解释: People say for starters to talk about the first thing to be done.可以理解成“首先;一开始” eg: A: "I'd like to help in some way, if I can." B: "OK. For starters, you could set up chairs for the guests." A:“我想帮帮忙,如果可以的话。” B:“可以呀,首先你可以帮客人们把椅子摆好。” eg: For starters, I want to thank all of you for being here tonight. 首先,我想感谢你们今晚的到来。 A: "I thought we were going to bake with Grandma today." B: "We are, but we have to find the mixer, for starters." A:“我还以为我们今天要跟奶奶一起烘焙呢。” B:“我们确实是这么安排的,但是首先我们得先找到搅拌机。” eg: There are a number of problems—for starters, where is the money coming from? 有很多问题,首先,钱从哪里来? eg: I'd like to punch him on the nose for starters. 首先我想给他鼻子来上一拳。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 A: "Why did you decide not to go to the concert?" B: "Well, for starters, the tickets were ridiculously expensive."