

2024-08-21    07'08''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

319 5

【句子】Look, I'll agree with Dr. Goldfine on one thing. We should slow things down.【Desperate Housewives S2E7】 【发音】/lʊk//aɪl/ /əˈgriː/ /wɪð/ /ˈdɒk.tə/ /ˈdɑːk.tə(r)/ /gəʊldˈfaɪn/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /wʌn/ /θɪŋ//wi:/ /ʃʊd/ /sləʊ/ /θɪŋz/ /daʊn/ 【发音技巧】I'll agree连读;should slow不完全爆破; 【翻译】我赞成高德芬医生说的一点。我们应该慢慢来。 【适用场合】 今天我们来复习一下这个表达,slow down“慢下来;速度放慢;放松;” to be less active and relax more; 当然这个短语,也可以加宾语,你也可以说slow something down或者slow down something; “使……慢下来”; to cause, compel, or force someone or something to decrease in frequency, intensity, or activity. eg: The doctor has told him to slow down or he'll have a heart attack. 医生告诫他要放慢生活节奏,否则会心脏病发作。 eg: She's got too much going on at the moment, between work and the kids. She needs to slow down. 她现在太累了,又要工作,还要照顾孩子。她需要把生活节奏放慢。 eg: The company announced they were slowing down production after the lukewarm response to the latest product. 这个公司宣称,他们最新的产品一上市收到的市场反馈不温不火的,所以他们决定降低生产速度。 eg: The ice on the roads was slowing us down. 路面上结冰,拖慢了我们的行进速度。 eg: My headache has really started slowing me down lately. 我的头疼最近真的降低了我的工作效率。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The government plans to slow their infrastructure investments down over the next year to help balance the federal budget.