

2019-07-07    06'51''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3622 19

四星 【句子】It’s not too big a stretch. 【The Vampire Diaries-S1E6】 【发音】[ɪts] [nɒt]/[nɑ:t] [tu:] [bɪg] [ə] [stretʃ] 【发音技巧】not too 完全失去爆破; 【翻译】也没有扭曲事实太多啦。 【适用场合】 1. 首先先来学一个简单的。 剧中有这样两句对话: -- Are you sure? -- I’m positive. 你确定吗?我确定。 这里I’m positive. 就相当于I’m sure. adj. 确信的;肯定的 certain and without any doubt: eg: Are you positive that you saw me yesterday? 你确定你昨天看到我了? eg: "It was him - I saw him take it." "Are you positive about that?" 就是他!我亲眼看到他拿走的! 你对此确定吗? eg: I can't be positive about what time it happened. 我也说不准这件事情发生的具体时间。 2. too…to…的用法大家都知道,太……以至于不能…… eg: It's too difficult (for me) to explain. 对我来说,太难了,解释不了。 但是今天对话中出现的It’s not too big a stretch. 他什么意思呢? 这里警长和记者都准备掩盖事情的真相。It’s not too big a stretch. 就表示对民众来说: 用这样的说辞,大家更容易接受,我们也没有扭曲事实太多呢。 本来这帮人就确实是在嗑药。 一点点来解释,大家先别着急。 首先,too + adj. + a/an + n. 这样的结构,表示sth. is too + adj. eg: It was too expensive a desk for a child's room. /The desk was too expensive for a child’s room. 对于儿童房来说,这样一张桌子太贵了。 eg: This is too large a helping for me. / This helping is too large for me. 这对我来说,真的是帮了超级大的忙! 那么stretch什么意思呢? 大家都知道本意指的是伸展(四肢);拉伸 今天学一下不一样的意思 作为动词: eg: He admitted that he had maybe stretched the truth (= not been completely honest) a little. 他承认,他可能确实有点扭曲了事实。 那么作为名词:一样的意思: 离谱;过分;超过限度; the fact that something has gone past its usual limits eg: His idea may be a stretch, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. 他的想法可能有点儿离谱,但并不是完全没有可能。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I always have a good stretch when I get up in the morning.