

2019-07-09    06'00''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3638 25

三星 【句子】-- Where did you learn this game? -- Camp outside Atlanta. One of the officers picked it up at Harvard. 【The Vampire Diaries-S1E6】 【发音】[weə(r)] [dɪd] [ju:] [lɜ:(r)n] [ðɪs] [geɪm] [kæmp] ['aʊtsaɪd] [ætˈlæntə] [wʌn] [əv] [ði:] [ˈɒfɪsəz]/[ˈɑː.fɪ.sərz] [pɪkt] [ɪt] [ʌp] [æt] [ˈhɑ:(r)və(r)d] 【发音技巧】did you音的同化;outside不完全失去爆破;Atlanta不完全失去爆破;one of 连读;the读音;picked it up连读+美音浊化; 【翻译】-- 你在哪里学会玩这个游戏的?-- 亚特兰大城外的营地,一位警官在哈佛学到的。 【适用场合】 pick up很多同学看到第一反应都会是捡起来… 但其实…… 在今天这里的话并不是这个意思。 pick up 1. 可以用来指:顺便学会……技能/得到……信息 to get information or a skill by chance rather than by making a deliberate effort eg: to pick up bad habits 养成坏习惯 eg: Here's a tip I picked up from my mother. 这是我从我妈那学会的一招! eg: She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. 她在墨西哥居住期间,学会了西班牙语。 (通过学习或经历获得知识) eg: I picked up a lot of knowledge about music from my brother. 从我哥哥那里,我了解到了很多关于音乐的知识。 2. pick up speed to go faster 提速 eg: The train began to pick up speed. 火车开始提速啦! eg: All right, let's pick up the tempo and get it moving faster. 好啦,我们加快节奏,让它再快一点。 3. pick up (signal) 接收到……的信号 eg: We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. 我们之前可以收到BBC的新闻信号。(英国广播公司全球服务) 4. pick up sb. 接人;承载客人、货物 eg: The bus was so full that it could no longer pick up passengers. 公交车已经挤满了,没办法再上人了。 eg: I'll come by your house at 8 o'clock and pick you up. 我八点将会到你家,接你。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 你能来飞机场接我一下吗?