

2020-02-03    05'40''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4561 32

【句子】You’re both gonna have to take this up with the judge. 【Friends-S1E19】 【发音】[jɔ:(r)] [bəʊθ] [ˈgɑ:.nə] [hæv] [tʊ] [teɪk] [ðɪs] [ʌp] [wɪð] [ðə] [dʒʌdʒ] 【发音技巧】take this up不完全失去爆破+连读; 【翻译】这事儿你们俩去跟法官谈吧。 【适用场合】 take up这个短语在口语中意思非常多,首先挑几个典型的来了解一下 1. 开始从事……工作/活动 If you take up an activity or a subject, you become interested in it and spend time doing it, either as a hobby or as a career. eg: Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again. Angela以前是个模特,现在她决定重操旧业。 2. 占用 If something takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amount. eg: I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn&`&t want to take up too much of your time. 我知道你有多忙,当然了我也不想占用你太多的时间。 3. 在某事被中断之后,继续进行 If you take up something such as a task or a story, you begin doing it after it has been interrupted or after someone else has begun it. eg: Let&`&s take up this matter at the point we were at when we were interrupted. 我们继续说,从刚被打断那个地方继续。 当然了这个短语还有很多其他的意思,在这里不做完整的介绍了,大家可以下去查一下权威词典。 我们今天视频对话当中出现的: take sth. up with sb. 怎么理解呢? 当我们在take up后面加上sth. 然后还要with sb. 和某个人商榷、讨论、商议 to raise and discuss a matter with someone eg: This is a very complicated problem. I&`&ll have to take it up with the office manager. 这个问题非常复杂,我得去和办公室经理商榷一下。 eg: She&`&ll take up this problem with the headmaster tomorrow. 她明天将会和校长商议这个问题。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 董事会什么时候才会讨论这件事情?