

2020-07-31    04'33''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2796 22

【句子】Well, first off, you’re not friends with Maisy Gibbons, are you? 【Desperate Housewives-S1E16】 【发音】[wel] [ˈfɜ:(r)st] [ɒf]/[ɑ:f] [jɔ:(r)] [nɒt]/[nɑ:t] [frendz] [wɪð] [meɪzi] [gɪbənz] [ɑ:(r)] [ju:] 【发音技巧】first off连读;not friends不完全失去爆破; 【翻译】恩,首先问一下,你们不是Maisy Gibbons的朋友吧? 【适用场合】 今天学习一个表达,很实用,叫做first off 其实猜也猜得出,指的是开始,首先相关的意思 在英文中,这样的短语意思是:in the first place, first of all或者before anything else It is used for introducing the first of a series of things that you are going to say: 通常用于介绍一系列事物,开头的时候; eg: First off, I want to tell you how much I like your work. 首先,我得告诉你(们)我有多喜欢你(们)的这个作品。 eg: First off, let's see how much it'll cost. 首先,我们的看看这东西得花费多少钱。 eg: First off, we'll find a place to live. 咱们首先得找个地方住。 eg: You should have told your new employer about this conflict of interest first off. 你应该一开始就把这个利益冲突告诉你的新老板的。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I do want to hear about your day, but first off, let me tell you what the wedding planner had to say.