

2020-08-03    06'33''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3009 17

【句子】It’s been one day, and they were disinvited to a birthday party. If rumors start flying, these boys can kiss campouts and pool parties goodbye. 【Desperate Housewives-S1E16】 【发音】[ɪts] [bi:n] [wʌn] [deɪ] [ænd] [ðeɪ] [wɜ:(r)] [,dɪsɪnˈvaɪtɪd] [tʊ] [ə] [ˈbɜ:(r)θ.deɪ] [ˈpɑ:(r).ti] [ɪf] [ˈruː.mə(r)z] [stɑ:(r)t] [ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ] [ði:z] [bɔɪz] [kæn] [kɪs] [ˈkæmp.aʊts] [ænd] [pu:l] [ˈpɑ:(r).tiz] [.gʊdˈbaɪ] 【发音技巧】and they不完全失去爆破;disinvited美音浊化;party美音浊化;start flying不完全失去爆破;goodbye完全失去爆破; 【翻译】这才一天,他们就已经被一个生日派对拒之门外了。要是谣言继续传播下去的话,这哥俩就得和野营活动、泳池派对说再见了。 【适用场合】 口语里当你看到有人用fly搭配rumor的时候,不用很惊讶 这里没必要把fly翻译成飞翔,而指的是spread传播 If rumors, accusations, etc. fly, they are passed quickly from one person to another and cause excitement: eg: Rumors are flying that the school may close. 现在大家都在传,说学校有可能会关门。 口语中,kiss sb. goodbye 和某人吻别; 那么kiss sth. goodbye或者 kiss goodbye to sth. 则指的是:要和……说再见了; To lose or end something, especially suddenly; to be forced to accept such a loss or end eg: If they lose this game, they can kiss their chances of winning the cup goodbye. 如果这局输了的话,他们想赢得世界杯就没戏了。 eg: You were caught drinking on school property? Well, you can kiss your brand new car goodbye, mister! 你被发现在学校喝酒?行了,小伙子,你的新车你也可以说声拜拜了。 eg: You do realize that you'll be kissing all your benefits goodbye if you decide to work as a freelancer, right? 如果你做自由职业,你目前这些福利都没了,这点你意识到了吗? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 她刚接到老板的电话,说要加班,她可以跟自己的假期计划说再见了。