

2020-08-25    06'37''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3503 23

【句子】Honey, I think I’m just gonna turn over his license plate to the police. 【Modern Family-S2E10】 【发音】[ˈhʌn.i] [aɪ] [θɪŋk] [aɪm] [dʒʌst] [ˈgə.nə]/[ˈgɑ:.nə] [tɜ:(r)n] [ˈəʊ.və(r)] [hɪz] ['laɪsns] [pleɪt] [tʊ] [ðə] [pəˈli:s] 【发音技巧】think I’m 连读;just gonna完全失去爆破;turn over连读! 【翻译】宝贝儿,我想我只会把他的车牌号交给警察。 【适用场合】 首先简单提一下,美式英语中license plate其实就是number plate车牌。 the sign on the front and back of a road vehicle that shows its registration number. 这里的plate大家不要再理解成盘子了。 其实说到今天这个短语 turn sth. over to the police 我们之前公众号当中讲过一个特别贴切的 叫做turn sb. in 把某个人告发给警察 to tell the police about someone, or take them to the police, because they have committed a crime: eg: His own brother turned him in. 他的哥哥把他告发了。 turn yourself in则指的是自首 eg: She turned herself in to local police. 她向当地警方自首了。 turn over sth./sb. 一般常见的可以有以下的用法: 1. 翻面; eg: Brown the meat on one side, then turn it over and brown the other side. 把一面的肉煎一下,然后把它翻面,再把另外一面煎一下。 2. 仔细思考to think about sth carefully eg: She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind. 她反复在内心当中思索那天发生的那些事儿。 今天在这里出现,怎么理解呢? 3. turn sb./sth. over 指的是:把某个人、某物移交给别人(尤其是当局); to give someone or something to someone who has a position of authority 类似于hand over eg: Customs officials turned the man over to the police. 海关的工作人员把这个男的移交给了警方。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 当地警方把他移交给了FBI。