本周的绘本故事融入了生命教育的理念,阅读后不禁使我们产生了这样一种对爱的思考:或许大爱并非把孩子捆在自己身边,为孩子安排好一切,让孩子变得没有自己想法;而是希望能引导孩子不断去学习,尽早学会人格独立,乐观,坚强,放手让孩子去寻找属于自己的人生和幸福。本期故事非常适合家长陪伴孩子一同阅读。 One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one. One day the first snowflakes fell, and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin. One day, we crossed the street, and you held my hand tight. Then,you were my baby, and now you are my child. Sometimes, when you sleep, I watch your dream, and I dream too..... That someday you will dive into the cool, clear water of a lake. Someday you will walk into a deep wood. Someday your eyes will be filled with a joy so deep that they shine. Someday you will run so fast and so far your heart will feel like fire. Someday you will swing high so high, higher than you ever dared to swing. Someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow. Someday you will call a song to the wind, and the wind will carry your song away. Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longer see you. Someday you will look at this house and wonder how something that feels so big can look so small. Someday you will feel a small weight against your strong back. Someday I will watch you brushing your child's hair. Someday, a longtime from now, your own hair will glow silver in the sun. And when that day comes, love, you will remember me.