Safety in Solidarity—团结起来,共抗恐怖主义

Safety in Solidarity—团结起来,共抗恐怖主义

2017-03-24    03'40''

主播: FM1028192

1722 21

Since August, 2014, the threat of international terrorism in the UK remained at ‘SEVERE’, capitalized on governmental websites as an uncomfortably emphatic reminder of the anticipation and likelihood. On Mar 22, I experienced rain for the first time in Beijing. It was, grey, cold, and I wandered through the streets feeling comforted by its gentle reminder of my home – London. As if by a bitter twist of fate, hell and confusion were later unleashed at Westminster, the city’s political and cultural lifeblood only now itself covered in the blood of terror’s victims. A day after the government announced a ban on laptops and tablets in cabin luggage on flights from six Middle Eastern countries to “maintain the safety of British nationals” (as described by transport secretary, Chris Grayling), this singular attack on Westminster seemed a sick, mocking reminder that lone attackers are the most important challenge to any country’s security. Of course, it must be kept in perspective. The government recently claimed it has successfully protected against at least 10 attempted terror attacks in the past two years. However, the success of security agents and services could not be upheld without the initial and crucial defense of solidarity. Tourists and Londoners, for all their dry skepticism, feel safe in the city. There is a sense that in spite of the surrounding attacks in Europe, a looming warning, and subconscious sense of inevitability for the moment we all fear most, no one has let their lives be dictated or dominated by terrorism. It has been speculated that the location of the attack, at the Houses of Parliament, is in fact an attack on the values of Western democracy. The symbolism is violently unapologetic and distressingly apparent. Factor in the death of a 15-year serving policeman, and it is almost impossible to escape. But whilst nothing is yet known of the motive, in many ways, the methodology of terror will always remain the same – to strike fear into the heart of nations, and watch them unravel within themselves. Watching such events unfold is particularly difficult when you live abroad. Today, Beijing still rains, almost in her own form of solidarity with the rest of the world in respect of the horrors that took place and the lives that were lost. The UK has been torn apart by many things in recent years – from economics to elections; Brexit to our own banks, but terrorism will not be one of them. In a statement, Prime Minister Theresa May declared that, “We will all move forward together, never giving into terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart”. The attack has been shocking, the intent gruesome and the aftermath will be devastating. But people of all backgrounds and cultures will continue to walk and experience a city that will remain united under an umbrella of love, kindness and unshakable defiance in the face of terror.