After long neglect, comes a period of warming 应对全球气候变暖,刻不容缓

After long neglect, comes a period of warming 应对全球气候变暖,刻不容缓

2017-09-01    05'00''

主播: FM1028192

315 9

The dog days of summer ran wild this year, leaving us to do the panting. 今年夏天的三伏天像脱缰的野马一样,让我们热得喘不过气来。 Even the nuanced, 24 traditional Chinese solar periods of the year couldn’t do it justice. Xiao shu (little heat)? Who were they kidding? Da shu (big heat)? That didn’t begin to describe it. 即使是中国传统微妙的二十四节也无法充分发挥调节气温的作用。小暑为小热?开玩笑吧?大暑为大热?这只是过去的说法。 Day after day, it was relentlessly hot and sticky. But now, with the end in sight, we can catch our breath and take stock of what happened. 整个夏天都是酷热难耐,汗流浃背。但随着三伏天的结束,我们终于可以松口气了,对今年夏天的酷热做个盘点。 Throughout China, even in the north, this has been the summer of the heat wave. In late July, AFP reported, China Meteorological Administration was issuing warnings that temperatures would hit 41 C in eastern and central provinces. 今年夏天包括北方在内的整个中国都是酷热难耐。据法新社报道,中国气象局7月下旬发布高温预警,东部和中部地区气温将高达41摄氏度。 The Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that at least 10 people had died of heatstroke. A Shanghai TV station’s video of a slice of pork cooking to perfection on a stone outdoors was an online favorite. 上海市疾病控制预防中心宣布至少10人死于中暑。上海电视台有段视频在网上受到热捧,视频中户外的石头热得居然可以烤熟猪肉片。 It wasn’t just in China that the mercury threatened to pop the tops off thermometers. In mid-June, CNN reported that the southwestern United States was in the grip of a “dangerous, potentially deadly heat wave”. 不仅中国的气温“爆表”。6月中旬,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)称,“危险的、致命的热浪”席卷美国西南部地区。 Las Vegas, Nevada, tied its heat record of 47 C. American Airlines cancelled 50 flights in Phoenix, Arizona, when the thermometer hit 49 C. And the temperature in Death Valley, California, soared to a blistering 54.5 C. 拉斯维加斯和内华达的气温追平2013年的历史纪录,达到47摄氏度。亚利桑那州首府凤凰城的温度高达49摄氏度,美国航空公司被迫取消该地的50个航班。加利福尼亚州“死亡谷”的气温飙升54.5摄氏度 。 In Europe, wildfires raged in Italy, near the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, and in Portugal – all of them sparked by intense summer heat. 欧洲的意大利、希腊雅典卫城附近及葡萄牙也是酷暑难耐,高温导致这些地区的山火肆虐。 But all of these places lie in the southern part of the continent. Surely, northern latitudes fared better. 欧洲大陆的南部热浪袭人,北部高纬地区要凉爽一些。 “All hell breaks loose as the tundra thaws”, said The Guardian headline on a report in mid-July that a Siberian heat wave, with temperatures hovering at 30 C, was melting the permafrost. The warmth revived dormant anthrax spores embedded in the frost, and 20 people were infected. One boy died. 7月中旬,《卫报》刊发新闻,标题为《随着冻土解冻灾难也随之而来》,高达30摄氏度左右的西伯利亚热浪正在融化永久冻土层。温暖的天气使严寒中处于休眠状态的炭疽孢子恢复活性,导致20人被感染,其中一名男孩死亡。 Reindeer herders in the Yamal Peninsula heard a deafening explosion and saw flames and smoke shoot into the air. Apparently, as the permafrost melted, large deposits of methane were freed and ignited. They found a crater at the site, and 14 other deep craters have been found across the region. 亚马尔半岛(Yamal Peninsula)的驯鹿人听到震耳欲聋的爆炸声,看见巨大的火光和烟雾腾空而起。很明显,爆炸是由永冻土融化释放出大量甲烷气体燃烧导致的。他们在爆炸点发现一个深坑,类似的深坑在该地区还有14个。 Vast swaths of the Alaskan permafrost are also melting, The New York Times reported on Wednesday. 《纽约时报》周三报道称,阿拉斯加的大片永久冻土正在融化。 In the Southern Hemisphere, too, where it is now winter, there have been recent signs of warming. Last month, a 5,800-sq-km iceberg – that’s about nine-tenths the area of Shanghai – broke off from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf. 现在南半球正值冬季,最近也出现气候变暖的迹象。7月,一个巨大冰山从南极拉森C冰架脱落,面积为5800平方公里,接近上海土地面积。 Would it be jumping to conclusions to suggest that these many examples of unusual atmospheric warmth are signs of global warming? Maybe. 是否有人会下结论称全球变暖导致大气温度异常升高?或许有吧。 But let’s do it anyway. 但不管怎样,我们应该做点什么。 For generations, we have victimized Earth, and the damage has now reached the tipping point. It’s too late to escape some of the harm we’ve brought on ourselves, but we might have a chance of preventing catastrophe. Of course, all major countries would have to pitch in, cooperate with initiatives such as the Paris Agreement. 人类世世代代都在侵害地球,现在已经达到地球临界点。要逃避我们给自己带来的伤害为时已晚,但我们应该有机会预防大灾难发生。当然需要全球各大国积极参与《巴黎协定》,齐心协力应对全球气候变暖。 Not all but one. 只有《巴黎协定》才能挽救地球。