A journey to peace starts with inclusiveness和平与和解从我做起

A journey to peace starts with inclusiveness和平与和解从我做起

2017-10-26    04'46''

主播: FM1028192

180 9

When I heard Hyppolite Ntigurirwa talked about his journey to forgive those who murdered his father in front of him in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, I was moved to tears.   当我听到Hyppolite Ntigurirwa讲述他如何原谅仇人的心路旅程时,我流下了感动的泪水。他宽恕了那些在1994年卢旺达种族大屠杀中在他面前杀害他父亲的人。 He was speaking at the One Young World summit in Bogota this month. I looked around me. Many of my fellow delegates were also wiping away tears while others looked into the distance in deep contemplation, greatly touched and inspired by this incredible story of peace and reconciliation. 在这个月波哥大(Bogota)举办的环球青年领袖大会(One Young World )上,Ntigurirwa讲述了自己的这番经历。我环顾四周,发现周围许多同伴们也流下了热泪,另一部分人则眼望前方陷入沉思,我们都被这个关于特殊的“和平与和解”故事深深地触动和感染。 One Young World, a London-based non-profit organization that gathers young people to share thoughts on global issues, held its annual summit in Colombia, a country trying to put itself back together after a gruesome 52-year civil war. The war ended with the signing of a peace deal last year between Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and rebel leader Rodrigo Londono, also known as Timochenko. 环球青年领袖大会是设在伦敦的非营利组织,该组织将青年们聚集在一起分享他们关于全球问题的看法。今年的年度峰会在哥伦比亚举办,这个国家在经历了持续了52年的可怕内战之后正在努力恢复和平统一。去年,哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯( Juan Manuel Santos )和被称为提姆切科(Timochenko)的反政府武装首领罗德里戈·隆多尼欧(Rodrigo Londono)共同签署了一份和平协议,这场战争终于落下帷幕。1 The summit placed a special emphasis on peace this year.We heard young people share their stories of reconciliation. As victims of war and violence, they had felt angry and hurt but now they are holding hands with their past enemies. As Ntigurirwa said: “I believe peace is what you give, not what you ask others to give you.” 今年的峰会聚焦于和平。我们聆听年轻人分享他们关于和解的故事。作为战争与暴力的受害者,他们曾感到愤怒和受伤,但如今他们已与曾经的敌人握手言和。正如Ntigurirwa所说:“我相信和平是你给予自己的,而不是你要求他人给予你的。” Over the past few years the world has undergone so many challenges and conflicts, ranging from the Syrian War to the European refugee crisis, the Occupy Wall Street movement and scores of terrorist attacks. 在过去的几年里,这个世界经历了太多的挑战与矛盾,从叙利亚战争到欧洲难民危机,从占领华尔街运动到恐怖袭击。 The world suddenly felt angrier, less harmonious and full of pain and tears. 整个世界陡然变得易怒,和谐被打破,充满了痛苦和眼泪。 But being at One Young World and hearing directly from victims who turn themselves into agents of change, I felt there is more hope, trust and power to create a loving world as globalization further bonds people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. 但在环球青年领袖大会直接倾听受害者的声音,他们转变成“改变”的代言人。随着全球化将来自不同文化背景的人们进一步联系在一起,我感到有更多的希望、信任和力量来创造一个充满爱的世界。 Perhaps the incredible friendships I’ve experienced with other delegates, from 196 countries, is a snapshot of this world peace. More incredibly, I discovered that fostering harmony and inclusion takes place not just in countries facing post-war reconstruction, it takes place in all our lives, in the work place and in society. 也许我和其他来自196个国家代表们所经历的不可思议的友谊,正是世界和平的一个缩影。更难以置信的是,我发现培育和谐与包容不仅发生在面临战后重建的国家,也发生在我们所有人的生活、工作场所和整个社会中。 At the summit we heard from multinational corporations such as Accenture and Apple on their efforts to encourage diversity and inclusion in their companies. 在峰会上,我们听到了埃森哲(Accenture)和苹果公司(Apple )等跨国公司在鼓励多元化和包容性方面的努力。 “Diversity is the human experience. I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT,” said Denise Young Smith, Apple's vice-president of inclusion and diversity. “多元化是人类的经验。每当多元化或多元化这个词被标签化用来形容有色人种、女性或性少数群体时,我都感到有些沮丧。”苹果公司负责多元化和包容性的副总裁丹妮丝·杨·史密斯(Denise Young Smith)说。 I couldn’t agree with her more. As a Chinese woman living in London I have always felt grateful for how the cultural melting pot of London has given me a home, where I could fit in and be myself. 我非常同意她的观点。作为一个居住在伦敦的华裔女性,我经常感到很愉快。因为伦敦这个文化大熔炉给了我一个家,在这里我不仅可以融入进去,同时也可以坚持自我。 But what surprised me at the conference is that many people whom I have always considered “mainstream” could also feel excluded due to their unique differences, such as the working mom or the quiet colleague. 但在大会上更让我感到惊讶的是,很多经常被我认为是“主流”的人也曾因为自己独特的经历而感到被孤立,比如职场母亲或安静的同事。 And perhaps it is time for me to open up to them more, to share and to support them, so that our societies will truly become more harmonious places. As Accenture’s chief leadership & human resources officer Ellyn Shook said: “The journey starts with I”. 也许是时候让我向他们的敞开胸怀,分享我自己的经历并支持他们,这样我们的社会才能变成一个真正和谐的地方。正如埃森哲公司的首席人力资源总监艾琳·舒克(Ellyn Shook)所说:“这段旅程从我开始。”