要遵守交规啊!To cross the road, remember the code

要遵守交规啊!To cross the road, remember the code

2017-11-02    03'58''

主播: FM1028192

217 8

I’m writing this after watching yet another video on Sina Weibo that shows a toddler wandering into a road in a Chinese city and being knocked down by a car driven by someone clearly oblivious to the unfolding tragedy. 在写下这篇文章前,我在新浪微博看到了一段视频,在中国某城市的马路上,一个蹒跚学步的小孩被一个完全没意识到悲剧即将上演的司机撞倒。 That’s the second video this week, and I’ve lost count of how many I’ve seen over the years. Friends in Beijing have also shared countless tales with me of children blindly running out in front of the car or taxi they were traveling in. Like the videos, such incidents are far from uncommon. 这是我本周看到的第二段视频,而这些年我不知道已经看了多少这样的视频。北京的朋友也和我分享了数不清的案例,孩子们从正在行驶的汽车或出租车前突然跑出来。和视频中一样,这类事故并不罕见。 Yet despite such horrific images being shared widely online, almost every day I will see a parent or grandparent crossing a road with a child at an unsafe spot or while the walk sign is still red, which sends exactly the wrong message to youngsters about road safety. 然而,尽管这种可怕的片段在网上广为传播,但几乎每天我都能看到父母或爷爷奶奶带着孩子在一个不安全的地方甚至还是红灯的时候横穿马路,这给孩子传达了一种错误的道路安全信息。 Recently, I watched in terror as a mother and father attempted to cross four lanes of busy traffic with a child aged about 6. Ignoring the “little red man”, they stepped off the sidewalk and began slowly edging into the road, step by step, until they were virtually in the middle. All the while, cars and electric bikes zoomed past. 最近,我看到一对父母带着一个大约6岁的孩子,试图穿越一条交通繁忙的四车道,这一幕让我非常揪心。他们不顾红灯的提醒,走下人行道,开始慢慢走到马路上,一步一步走到马路中央。这期间,汽车和电动自行车飞驰而过。 Due to the weight of the traffic, they remained adrift in that asphalt sea for about a minute. Had the parents actually waited for the walk sign to turn green, they would have ended up at the other side of the road in pretty much the same time, just without the risk of serious injury or even death. What did they gain? 由于交通拥挤,他们在茫茫车海的沥青路上被迫停了约一分钟。要是这对父母等到绿灯,他们在相同的时间段可能已经走到马路对面,也不会冒着重伤和死亡的危险。他们得到了什么? As a child, I was drilled in the Green Cross Code, a road safety campaign launched in Britain in the 1970s that is still taught in schools today. It works over six simple steps: 当我还是个孩子的时候,便受过严格的儿童交通安全规则(Green Cross Code)教育,这是20世纪70年代在英国发起的一项道路安全运动,今天学校仍在宣讲。它有 六个简单的步骤: Think Look and listen Look and listen again Arrive alive 思考,停下,观察,等待,再次观察,安全通过。 I recall the short public-service movies shown during kids’ TV that featured the Green Cross Man, a Superman-like hero who warned children of the dangers of playing near roads and crossing at dangerous spots. (Fun fact: He was played by David Prowse, the actor who wore the Darth Vader suit in the early "Star Wars" movies.) 我想起少儿频道曾播放的一则关于绿灯侠的公益短片,扮成超人的英雄提醒孩子们在路边玩耍和横穿马路是非常危险的。(有趣的事实:他由大卫·鲍罗斯(David Prowse)扮演,曾在早期《星球大战》(Star Wars)系列电影中身着达斯·维达装扮。) I’ve seen similar public announcements on Chinese television, but I rarely see parents and grandparents showing their children by example. As the old saying goes, “Monkey see, monkey do.” 我在中国的电视节目上也看到类似的公告,但我很少看到父母和爷爷奶奶会以身作则。俗话说,耳濡目染。 It also doesn’t help that Chinese motorists have little regard for pedestrians. Even with the “little green man” on display, cars still speed through crossings, while electric bikes buzz ahead at intersections regardless of what color the traffic lights are. 这也无助于中国摩托一族对行人的冷漠。即使交通指示灯显示绿灯,汽车还在以一定速度通过十字路口,然而不管交通灯是什么颜色,在交叉路口都能看到电动自行车穿来窜去。 To ensure our roads are safe, campaigns like the Green Cross Code are essential, but it ultimately falls to parents to put their children on the right path. 为了确保道路安全,像儿童交通规则这样的宣传活动必不可少,但最终确保儿童安全的责任还是在于父母。