

2017-03-29    13'30''

主播: ♥葉纸

137 4

1.Here we are. 2.Just you wait. 3.How did I get into this mess? 4.It was clear he had feelings for me. 5.My troubles were far from over. 6.I hatched the plan. 7.I asked out Sherry. 8.Things were unfolding quite nicely. 9.Word back to Juli... 10.My only consolation was... 11.All hair and no substances. 12.I couldn't get enough of it. 13.May I speak with you? 14.You're just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you. 15.I'm this close to calling the police. 16.Juli was frantic. 17.That girl has an iron backbone. 18.She's just stubborn and she's pushy beyond belief. 19.Lucky them. 20.Read this without prejudice.