

2017-03-31    13'28''

主播: ♥葉纸

68 4

1.It was a fine line. 2.Here I was dying inside. 3.I wanted to punch him. 4.Chet was a big help. 5.I kid. 6.There's no accounting for taste. 7.You kidding? 8.College is probably out of the question, huh? 9.We're gonna give music a shot first. 10.Their band is really boss. 11.That's not me anymore. 12.Don't be so naive. 13.Go to hell. 14.Juli Baker was out of my lifr.Or more accurately, I was out of hers. 15.Oh my gosh, what a disaster. 16.It felt good to take charge. 17.Are you nuts? 18.It was a long shot. 19.An all-time record. 20.I.was miserable. 21.Better late than never. 22.Bryce Loski's not my main dish. 23.You're sticking to your diet. 24.It's not a diet. 25.I am over him. 26.I had to rise above this. 27.I was on edge. 28.I needed a strategy. 29.It's none of your business. 30.Do you need some help? 【留给我自己】