

2016-01-26    02'08''

主播: 卡卡课堂

394 37

《左耳》中的唯美英文独白 1. Say something sweet to the left ear because it is nearer to the heart. 左耳是靠近心脏最近的地方,甜言蜜语,说给左耳听。 2. Be nice to yourself even if you make an enemy of the whole world. 就算与全世界为敌,也不委屈自己。 3. Time only elapses but never cheats us. 时光只会老去,但时光从不会欺骗我们。 4. Every time when I want to say something, but remained silent. 每一次想开口,但还是保持沉默。 5. Life is all about acting over and over again. Once you step on the stage, never think about stepping off before the end of the show. Otherwise, you will pay a heavy price. 人生一场戏接一场戏,只要上了台,在戏没有演完之前,谁都别想下台。否则你将付出惨重的代价。 卡卡课堂,专注高端成人英语教育,更多课程,淘宝搜索卡卡课堂。观看完整视频,请关注卡卡课堂公众微信号Kakaketang_Jessica, 微博@卡卡课堂。