

2016-05-31    04'09''

主播: 卡卡课堂

493 28

Inside Out 头脑特工队 Riley Joy 乐乐 star(星星) it shines Sadness忧忧 a drop a tear 一滴眼泪 Disgust 厌厌 broccoli西兰花 Anger怒怒 a brick 一块砖 Fear 怕怕 a nerve 一根神经元 That&`&s fear, he is really good at keeping Riley safe 这是怕怕,对于保护Riley的安全,他特别擅长。 There is a dangerous smell, people, hold on, what is that? 这有一个危险的气味,伙计们,等等,这是什么? smell smile This is disgust , she basically keeps Riley from being poisoned, physically and socially. 这是厌厌,她主要让Riley远离生理和社交上的毒害 Keep sb. from sth. Wait, did he just say we couldn&`&t have dessert? 等等,他刚才是不是说我们不能吃甜点? That&`&s Anger, he cares very deeply about things being fair. 那是怒怒,他对于公平这件事情非常在乎。 care deeply about sth. 关注卡卡课堂公众微信号:Kakaketang_Jessica, 微博@卡卡课堂,微信直播课程等你来参加。《趣学电影英语青春版》报名正在火热进行中,课程详情点击原文链接,报名咨询小布微信: Kaka_Bruce