

2017-01-11    03'52''

主播: 卡卡课堂

254 17

10 Skills That Are Hard To Learn But Can Hugely Benefit You In The Long-Term 十种难学但可以让你长期受益的技能 1. Time Management 时间管理 2. Empathy 同情 3. Ask for help 寻求帮助 4. Consistency 始终如一 5. Listening 聆听 6. Mind your own business 不多管闲事 7. Resist Gossip 抵制八卦 8. Stay present in the moment 活在当下 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called “present”. 9. Master your thoughts 掌控自己的想法 10. Speak up 大声说出来 想知道卡卡老师的发音秘诀?关注微信公众号卡卡课堂,添加教助小布微信 Kaka_Bruce获取更多免费课程