新春福利-英文歌Healing Incantation(完整教唱版)

新春福利-英文歌Healing Incantation(完整教唱版)

2017-02-04    03'45''

主播: 卡卡课堂

278 9

英文歌-Healing Incantation Flower gleam and glow,花儿闪亮 Let your power shine魔法绽放 make the clock reverse, 时间逆转 Bring back what once was mine还吾本相 Heal what has been hurt,愈人之伤 change the fate's design.逆命而上 Save what has been lost,还吾所失 Bring back what once was mine,还吾本相 what once was mine.还吾本相 想知道卡卡老师的发音秘诀?关注微信公众号卡卡课堂,添加教助小布微信 Kaka_Bruce获取更多免费课程