

2017-02-08    01'49''

主播: 卡卡课堂

84 8

父母这11个恶习会毁了孩子的一生! 1. If your child intentionally disturbs you, it is because you are not physically affectionate enough. 如果你的孩子总是故意打扰你,其实是因为你和他缺乏肢体接触,缺乏亲密感。 2. If your child is lying, it means you overreacted to the mistakes in past. 如果你的孩子撒谎,其实这说明你曾经对他犯过的错误反应过度。 3. If your child had poor self-esteem, it is because you advise them more than you encourage them. 如果你的孩子缺乏自信心,其实是因为你往往倾向于告诉他们怎么做,而非鼓励他们自己做。 4. If your child does not stand up for themselves, it is because from a young age you have disciplined them regularly in public. 如果你的孩子不敢捍卫自己的权利,其实是因为你在他们小时候总是在公开场合训斥他们。 5. If you buy everything for your children still they take things that do not belong to them, it is because you don't let them choose. 如果你什么东西都给孩子买,但他们依旧去拿那些不属于他们的东西,这其实是因为你不让他们自己选择想要的东西。 6. If your child is a coward, it is because you help them too quickly. Don't remove every obstacle from their path. 如果你的孩子很懦弱,那其实是因为你总是在他们遇到困难时就立刻帮忙。不要把孩子成长道路上的每个障碍都扫清。 7. If your child is jealous, the reason might be you compared them with others consistently. 如果你的孩子嫉妒心很重,那可能是因为你总是拿别的孩子和他们比较。 8. If your child gets angry quickly, the reason might be you have not praised them enough. They only get attention misbehaving. 如果你的孩子很容易生气,那其实是因为你给他们的赞扬不够,他们只能靠做些失礼的事来吸引你的注意力。 9. If your child doesn't respect others' feelings, the reason might be you always order them - not giving importance to their feelings. 如果你的孩子不会尊重别人的感受,那是因为你总是命令他们,是因为你不尊重他们的感受。 10. If your child is secretive, the reason is you blow things very big. 如果你的孩子总是神神秘秘的,什么都不告诉你,那是因为你总是爱打击他们。 11. If the child behaves rudely, it is learnt from parents or others living with them. 如果你的孩子总是行为粗鲁没礼貌,那其实是从家长或者身边的人那里学来的。 想知道卡卡老师的发音秘诀?关注微信公众号卡卡课堂,添加教助小布微信 Kaka_Bruce获取更多免费课程