

2017-02-16    02'10''

主播: 卡卡课堂

194 11

一无所有的人仍不忘给予 Today, I helped make food for the homeless. The man I was giving the sandwich to said he didn’t want it. I asked why and he pointed to his friend behind him and said, “I want the birthday boy here to have two sandwiches on his special day. It’s the only gift I have to give.” His friend was elated. People who have nothing and still give. 今天我帮助无家可归的人做饭,正在我给一个人三明治的时候,他说他不想要。我问为什么,他指了指再他身后的朋友说:“我想让这个小寿星可以吃到两个三明治,对于他来说,今天是非常特别的一天。这也是我唯一能给他的礼物了。”他的朋友非常高兴。一无所有的人仍不忘给予。 想知道卡卡老师的发音秘诀?关注微信公众号卡卡课堂,添加教助小布微信 Kaka_Bruce获取更多免费课程