

2017-06-13    03'17''

主播: 卡卡课堂

1474 13

BACKUP BAND-AID I was riding the subway and happened to be seated between two young guys. The one on the right eyed the slightly grungy Band Aid on my thumb and said, “You should really change that, you know. You have to keep it clean.” Then the one on my left said, “Here, I have one,” and pulled a fresh Band Aid out of his knapsack. “I keep them on me because I’m always hurting myself.” Incredulously, I thanked him, changed my bandage, and got off at my stop feeling pretty good about people, life, and New York City. 备用的创可贴 我坐地铁时碰巧坐在两个年轻人中间。坐在我右边的小伙子看了看我拇指上有些脏的邦迪创可贴之后说: “你真的应该换一个创可贴,你知道,你得保持它干净。”然后我坐在我左边的人说:“我有一个,”然后从背包里拿出一个新的创可贴。“我随身携带它们因为我总是弄伤自己。”真让人难以置信,我谢了他,换了创可贴,在我的那站下车,感觉纽约真好,人真好,生活真好。 更多学习资料,微信/微博卡卡课堂