

2017-08-16    03'11''

主播: 卡卡课堂

5205 14

PENNIES FOR CANDLES by Jean ,New Jersey Great Depression 大萧条 sarcastically adv.讽刺地,挖苦地 retort n.反驳,回嘴;反驳的回答 recall vt.使想起,回想; pride n.骄傲;自尊 When I was a child, during the Great Depression, my mother sent me to the store to buy candles because our electricity had been turned off. I gave the clerk in the store my pennies for the candles, and he sarcastically said, “Didn’t pay the electric bill?” I held my head up high and replied, “Of course we did, but we want to have dinner by candlelight tonight.” I still laugh when I recall our “candlelight” dinner and the look on the clerk’s face after my retort. We didn’t have much money, but we had pride. 买蜡烛 大萧条时期,我还是个孩子。妈妈让我去商店买蜡烛,因为我们的电力被切断了。我给了店员硬币买蜡烛,他讽刺地说,“没有付电费吗?”我抬起头来,回答说:“我们当然交了,但我们今晚想在烛光下吃晚饭。”当我回忆起我们的“烛光晚餐”和在我的反驳之后,那个职员脸上的表情,我都会笑。我们没有很多钱,但我们有自尊。 想脱离字幕听懂英文?想知道卡卡老师独有的训练方法?微信添加Kakaketang即可获取完整课程信息