

2017-09-07    04'34''

主播: 卡卡课堂

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Things You Regret Not Doing During Your School Years 上学那些年后悔没做过的事 adventurous adj. 爱冒险的;大胆的;充满危险的 teenage rebellion phase青少年叛逆期 cautious adj. 谨慎的;十分小心的 bully vt. 欺负;威吓 nuts about迷恋着,狂热于 Reddit n.(新闻网站名)红迪网 1. Some wished they’d been more adventurous ‘I never had a “teenage rebellion” phase. I find myself kinda wishing that I had taken risks and tried to have fun while I still had the protection and forgiveness that comes from being a kid. Now, I have much fewer experiences than my peers…’ 2. Some wish they’d cared less about what others thought ‘I regret spending so much time worrying about what people thought of me. This caused me to be very cautious and risk averse.’ 3. Some wish they’d cared more about others in general ‘I wish I had stood up more for the kids who were being bullied for no reason.’ 4. Others regret not focusing as much as they should have ‘I regret not taking my classes more seriously and also I wish I’d taken French instead of German.’ 5. Lots of people regretted missing relationship opportunities ‘There was a girl in my year who was nuts about me, but I didn’t figure it out until a few years after graduation (I am not a smart man). In hindsight, I regret not asking her out.’ 1. 有些人希望他们更有冒险精神 “我从来没有过'青春期叛逆'的阶段。我发现自己有点希望自己冒险,找乐子,同时作为小孩,我还能得到保护和原谅。现在,我的经验比同龄人少多了……” 2. 有些人希望他们不在乎别人怎么想 “我后悔花这么多时间担心别人对我的看法。这使我非常谨慎,不愿意冒险。” 3. 有些人希望他们更多地关心别人 “我希望我能为那些无缘无故的被欺负的孩子们挺身而出。” 4. 其他人后悔没有在他们本应努力的地方尽可能多地集中精力 “我后悔没有认真对待我的课程,我也希望我能学法语而不是德语。” 5. 许多人后悔没有谈恋爱 有一个和我同年级女孩对我很狂热,但直到毕业几年后我才弄明白(我不是一个聪明人)。事后看来,我后悔没有约她出去。 想脱离字幕听英文?想知道卡卡老师独有的训练方法?微信公众号:卡卡课堂即可获取完整课程信息