There's a girl but I let her get away
曾经心爱的女孩 我却让她擦肩而过
There’s a连读 but I 连读 her h省音 let her连读 get away
Get away:离开;逃脱;出发
It's all my fault cause pride got in the way
自尊心作祟 一切都是我的错
It’s all连读 fault t省音 pride d省音 got in连读
Fault: 错误,过失
In the way: 妨碍;挡道
And I'd be lying if I said I was ok
若说无事 其实只是谎言未戳破
And d省音and I连读 I’d d省音 if I连读 said I 连读 was ok连读
About that girl the one I let get away
那个女孩 我们曾擦肩而过
About t that t 省音 one I 连读let t省音 get away连读
I keep saying no
Keep p省音
This can't be the way it was supposed to be
Can’t t省音 way it连读 it t省音 was s省音supposed d省音
I keep saying no
Keep p省音
There's gotta be a way to get you close to me
Be a连读 get you连读
Now I know you gotta
Now I连读
Speak up if you want somebody
Speak up连读 want t省音
Can't let them get away, oh no
Can’t t let t them th 省音 get away 连读
You don't wanna end up sorry
Don’t t省音 end up连读
The way that I'm feeling everyday
不要像我这样 终日在悔恨中度过
That I’m连读
(Don't you know)
No no no no
There's no home for the broken heart
破碎的心 无家可归
No no no no
(Don't you know)
There's no home for the broken
破碎的心 无家可归