

2020-03-12    01'21''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2040 16

人究竟可以无聊到怎样的地步才能打破人类的极限? 今天分享一些国外网友盘点他们在无聊时会做的事情。顺便学一些十分有用的常见表达。 Things people do when they get bored 1.Take a selfie with different clothes on 穿上不同的衣服自拍 2.They sing aloud. Most time, off-key! 他们高声歌唱。大多数时候,跑调! 3.Visit friends and neighbors over nothing important 没事拜访朋友和邻居 4.Start playing with their pet at home 开始逗家里的宠物玩 5.Excessive watching of TV or binge-watching 过度看电视或是刷剧 6.Play video games 玩电子游戏 7.Shop online 网上购物 8.Clean their room 打扫房间 9.Enjoy a relaxing bath 泡个让人放松的澡 10.Cook a new recipe 烹饪一个新食谱 11.Start organizing their closet 开始整理他们的衣柜。