

2020-04-01    03'02''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2381 18

谷歌公开宣布取消愚人节的恶作剧: Google Cancels April Fools’ Day 2020 Pranks in the Wake of Coronavirus Pandemic (from Living Breaking News) 在冠状病毒大流行后,谷歌取消2020年愚人节恶作剧 BuzzFeed刊登文章:为何我们要取消今年的愚人节 The article Here's Why April Fools' Day Should Be Canceled This Year from BuzzFeed It says: People are on edge — stressed, anxious, and scared — and an "OMG! Did you see (celebrity) died of the coronavirus?" prank is not going to be funny, it's only going to cause more distress. 人们都很紧张,焦虑,害怕,还有一个“天哪!你看到(名人)死于冠状病毒了吗?”恶作剧不会搞笑,只会引起更多的痛苦。 People on Tweeter say: We should cancel April Fools’ this year because I don't think I can handle tweets that say “Scientists Found Cure For Virus” and then I click on a link that sends me to a Youtube video of Never Gonna Give You Up. 今年我们应该取消愚人节,因为我觉得我受不了有人发推特说“科学家发现了病毒的治疗方法”,然后我点击了一个链接,随后我看到一个油管视频: 永远不会放弃你。 Can we cancel April Fool's this year? What we're living in already feels like a prank but without the “just kidding.” 今年我们能不能取消愚人节?我们现在感觉就像在恶作剧里活着,不过没有那句“只是开个玩笑”。