来学一首旋律超赞的英文歌-Jar of Love

来学一首旋律超赞的英文歌-Jar of Love

2020-05-29    07'35''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2586 19

Jar of Love教唱(1) 《Jar of Love》是原创音乐人曲婉婷的一首作品,收录在其首张专辑《Everything In The World》和《我的歌声里》中。 Jar of love可以直译为蜜罐里的爱,一罐子的爱,可引申为满满的爱。 歌词发音技巧: Another sunrise, another sunset 又是一次日出,又是一次日落 Soon it'll all be yesterday 转瞬间都将变为昨天 Soon it'll 连读 Another good day, another bad day, 美好的一天,糟糕的一天 good d省音 bad d省音 What did you do today? 你又是如何看待今天 What t省音did you连读 Why do we choose to chase what we'll lose? 为什么我们不断苛求一些我们终将失去的东西 what t省音 What you want isn't what you have. 你所有拥有的未必是你所想要的 What you连读 isn't t不完全爆破 what you 连读 What you have may not be yours, to keep. 一些你已拥有的也许不属于你的 What you连读 If I could find love, at a stop, in a park with open arms, 如果我能在一个车站,亦或在一座公园张开双臂发现真爱 If I连读 at a 连读 in a 连读 with open连读 I would save all my love, in a jar, 我会将我所有的爱 would d省音 in a 连读 made of sparks, sealed in my beating heart, 存在这个蜜罐 ,然后封印在我跳动的心里 made of 连读sealed in 连读 Could it be yours to keep, the Jar of Love. 你会珍藏这满载着爱的蜜罐吗 Could it 连读it t省音Jar of连读