快乐能有多么简单?唱一首cheap thirlls就好

快乐能有多么简单?唱一首cheap thirlls就好

2020-11-20    04'33''

主播: 卡卡课堂

352 3

歌词发音技巧 Come on, come on 快快快! Come on连读 Turn the radio on 打开收音机 It's Friday night and it won't be long 周五的夜晚不会太漫长的! Night t省音 and it 连读 it t省音won't t省音 Gotta do my hair 梳好头发 Put my make-up on 画上浓妆 put t省音make-up on连读 It's Friday night and it won't be long 一刻值千金,快快开始周五之夜的狂欢 night and it 连读won't t省音 Till I hit the dance floor 我疯狂的舞动 Till I 连读hit t t省音 Hit the dance floor 载歌载舞 随心所欲 hit t t省音 I got all I need 我已手握自己所需之物 got all I连读 No I ain't got cash 不 我没有钱财 No I 连读ain't t got t省音 No I ain't got cash 我并不富足 No I 连读ain't t got t省音 But I got you baby 但我已有了你 But t got t不完全爆破