

2020-12-22    01'55''

主播: 卡卡课堂

277 4

英语小诗-快到圣诞节了 It's Soon to be Christmas 圣诞节就要来了,这个节日虽然最早是为了庆祝耶稣诞生而设定的节日,但是到现在,圣诞的意义早已不仅仅局限于它的宗教属性。 圣诞节,有很多传统的习俗和传说,比如装点圣诞树,比如圣诞老人送礼物。 今天分享一首小诗。 这首诗将圣诞的习俗和传说描述得十分温馨, 让人们在看完这首诗后,更是对圣诞节充满满满的期待。 It’s soon to be that time of year when carols are sung for all to hear, when mince pies are eaten and stories are told, and we all come together, young and old. 很快就要到每年的那个时候了 当颂歌被唱给所有人听的时候, 当人们吃馅饼,讲故事的时候, 我们老老少都聚在一起。 It's soon to be that special day, when Santa flies high in his sleigh, and puts our gifts under the tree, lots for you and loads for me! 很快就要到那个特别的日子了, 当圣诞老人驾着雪橇高飞, 把我们的礼物放在树下, 你有很多,我有很多! It’s soon to be here and I can't wait, we must begin to decorate! A ribbon here and a bauble there, wrap the presents, there’s lots to prepare! 很快就到了,我等不及了, 我们必须开始装饰! 这里是一条缎带,那里是个装饰品, 把礼物包起来,还有很多要准备的! But when it’s done we'll all sit down, and by the fire we'll gather round. We'll hang our stockings and wish for snow, then off to bed we'll swiftly go. 但当一切都结束了,我们都会坐下来, 我们在火旁聚集。 我们会挂上袜子,期盼下雪, 然后上床睡觉,我们那样迅速。 I'll close my eyes and fall asleep fast, and when I wake up, it'll be Christmas at last. 我会闭上眼睛快速入睡, 当我醒来的时候,终于是圣诞节了。