

2020-12-29    02'45''

主播: 卡卡课堂

238 2

新年超实用英语俚语 新的一年,即将到来。 回望2020年,每个人都有收获,也可能会有些遗憾。 但是随着新年的到来,我们将迎接全新的自己。 如何用地道的英文俚语为自己写下新年的寄愿呢? 今天这期节目,一定能让你收获满满哦! TO RING IN THE NEW YEAR “How did you ring in the new year?”是什么意思呢? 其实它指的是:“你用什么方式庆祝了?” (which means “In what way did you celebrate / How did you celebrate?”. ) We had a big party to ring in the new year. 我们在举行了一个盛大的聚会,以迎接新年。 2. TO KICK A HABIT 意思是停止一种习惯,停止做你经常做的事情。 (This means to stop a habit, to quit doing something you often do.) He can’t seem to kick his habit of eating chocolate every night. 他似乎无法改掉每晚吃巧克力的习惯。 3. TO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF 它意味着以一种新的态度或观点重新开始。 (It means to start again with a new attitude or perspective.) I’ve wasted my life playing too many video games. It’s time to turn over a new leaf and get a new hobby! 我浪费了我的生命玩了太多的电子游戏。是时候改过自新,养成新的爱好了! 4. TO GET THE BALL ROLLING 开始采取行动。 (To begin a process. To start taking action. ) Let's get the ball rolling. 让我们开始吧。