

2021-03-11    02'52''

主播: 卡卡课堂

261 2

韩红火遍外网,音乐无国界 英语小诗:我生命的音乐 在国外的乐评up主心中,有这样三大天籁之音。 惠特尼·休斯顿,詹妮弗·哈德森,以及韩红。 并且红姐一般都在C位。 没听过韩红就不能算是一个上得了台面的乐评博主,这是乐评圈一条默认的潜规则。 韩红再油管上的Han Hong Performance【纯享版】。 没有翻译,但观看量几乎都在上百万至上千万。 底下留言的老外很多,大致意思都是“我想哭”。 音乐的力量,超越种族,超越地域和时空, 今天我们就来分享一首小诗:Music Of My Life 《我生命的音乐》。 New Words: soul [səʊl] n. 灵魂;心性;内心;心灵; sappy [ˈsæpi] adj. 愚昧的;愚蠢的 tune [tuːn] n.曲调;曲子 ‘ttude=attitude [ˈætɪtuːd] n. 态度;看法;我行我素的作派; Music Of My Life Kelsey Storz The music takes my soul, 音乐带着我的灵魂, Takes it through the wind, and around the autumn trees. 穿过风,绕着秋树。 As the earth turns slowly, 当地球慢慢转动, Each song, makes me wonder what really goes on while I'm asleep. 每一首歌,都让我思考当我熟睡时,究竟发生了什么。 As a disco ball shines through my dreams, 每一首歌,如同迪斯科舞会般在我的梦中闪耀, I wish I was awake, as the music plays. 当音乐响起,我希望自己清醒。 And wished instead of school, I'd get to party and dance all day. 好希望不用上学,整天去参加聚会和跳舞。 As one song makes you move, and happy, 因为歌能你感动,让你快乐, The other makes you cry, and sappy. 也能让你哭,而且很傻。 As each tune, makes you the way you are. 每一个曲调,让你活出自我。 It's hard to believe your song is more than just a song, 很难相信你的歌,不仅仅是一首歌, Or a bell is more than a bell. 一个铃声不再是铃声。 And a voice, could be as bad as hell, 一个声音,可以糟糕到, You could lose your soul. 让你失去灵魂。 Regain it again, each feeling fills you full. 重新找回它,每一种感觉都让你充实。 As each tune tells you what to do, 每首曲子都告诉你该做什么, Nothing is better than the feeling of the music's 'tude. 没有什么胜过“音乐度”的感觉了。