

2021-03-30    03'03''

主播: 卡卡课堂

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王子文澄清苦恋贾乃亮,自曝地下恋情 地下恋情英文怎么说? 近日《听姐说》热播,王子文在节目中首度澄清她苦恋贾乃亮六年并惨遭抛弃的传闻。她称自己是近视眼,贾乃亮在前面接受采访她看着也是出于礼貌,并霸气发声:“姐那会儿有男朋友”。 很多明星都有地下恋情。(千万不要翻译成:underground love) 那地下恋情的英文该怎么说? There’s no hurry, Mother. Tell more about their secret love for each other. 不着急,妈妈,再和说一些他们之间的“地下恋情”。 暗恋怎么表达? Crush [krʌʃ] n. (通常指年轻人对年长者的短暂的)热恋,迷恋; Have a crush on someone. 暗恋某人 If you have crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. 表示你喜欢某人,但彼此并未确定恋爱关系。 A lot of girls in my class had a crush on him. 我们班上有好多女孩暗恋他。 谈恋爱怎么说? Be in love with sb. 爱上某人 We are in love with each other. 我们彼此相爱 See someone 和某人恋爱 I’m seeing someone. 我在谈恋爱。 Question: Have you had crush on someone when you were in highschool?