

2021-06-17    02'22''

主播: 卡卡课堂

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WX: jessica66001,获得卡卡老师的英语学习干货分享 详细讲解版公号:卡卡课堂 欢迎加入早餐会员哟 英语美文 Come to understand 学会理解 我们每个人自出生,就开始了对于世界和自我的探索和学习。 今天分享这篇文章,对我们更好了解自己,了解世界,了解他人有很大的帮助。 一起来学习吧! New Words: perspective [pərˈspektɪv] n. 态度; 观点; 思考方法; priority [praɪˈɔːrəti] n.优先事项; 最重要的事; 首要事情; abundance [əˈbʌndəns] n.大量; 丰盛; 充裕; Life grows brighter when you come to understand. Live with love and thankfulness for life, and your understanding of it will become more valuable. 生命因为理解而更加光明。用爱心和感恩来生活,你对于它的理解将变得更有价值。 Come to understand that the other people in your world have perspectives, purposes and priorities that are different than yours. It will save you from a lot of needless frustration and anger. 学会了理解你的世界里其他人的想法,目的和优先考虑的事情是和你的不同的,将把你从很多不必要的挫折与愤怒中拯救出来。 Come to understand that loss is a part of life. And you always have every reason and ability to heal. 学会了理解失去是生活的一部分。你总会有每一个原因和能力去治愈。 Come to understand that giving and receiving are always inseparable. The level of abundance you experience is equal to the value and goodness flowing out from you. 学会了理解给予与收获总是分不开的。你的丰足的程度和从你身上流出的价值和善意是相等的。 Come to understand that sometimes the most powerful response is patience. There are many battles you do not really need to fight. 学会了理解有时候最有力的回答是耐心。有很多战争你真的不需要去参与战斗。 Come to understand that whatever may have been or wherever you may find yourself, you always have a choice. Choose to live each moment with positive purpose, and you will truly come to understand. 学会了理解结果是什么,无论你在哪里都可以找到你自己,你总有一个选择。选择每个时刻都是为积极的目的活着,你将真正学会理解。